Assess, move, build.

Three steps to discovering your power.

Safety first

Read our Covid Safe Plan and gym protocols

Strength is the foundation of wellbeing

Getting up test.jpg

You are better stronger

Getting stronger gives you better:
movement and
quality of life.

Strength is not about muscle size.
You can be small and strong (you can be big and strong too, if that’s what you’re interested in).

Our focus is improving what you can do.

“the ability to do things that I didn't think I'd ever be able to do again...”

— 68 year old Novice Powerlifter

Safely we progress to lifting


We assess capacity

Understanding you

The first part of our program is to understand you. Where you are currently at, so we can tailor our program to you. Are there things you need specific to your circumstance or are you looking to get straight to the weights?

Exercise is Medicine

Our Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) can prescribe exercise for you to help manage chronic conditions, improve function and rehabilitate safely. We work with movement disorders from post-stroke, Parkinsons Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and TBI, as well as offering exercise programs for cardiac rehabilitation, Type II Diabetes management, musculoskeletal and complex chronic conditions.

We free up movement

Pre-weights programs

We run group sessions and individual programs to help you regain range of movement and confidence to exercise, or just keep you on track in your fitness journey.

Feldenkrais Method

Our Feldenkrais practitioner will help you discover your movement habits which may contribute to pain, affect balance or flexibility, limit abilities, or underlie a general lack of wellbeing. Individual sessions (hands-on) or group gentle movement classes are ideal for relaxation, re-connecting you with your body and discovering new and easier ways to move.

Then we build strength

Powerlifting Coaching

Powerlifting training is a highly effective form of progressive resistance training with considerable health benefits. Powerlifting comprises three primary exercises with a barbell and weights: back squat, bench press, and deadlift.

Powerlifting culture is positive, supportive, and inclusive – which is why we have a group training format. Every lift counts – which is why we personally supervise every session.

Powerlifting is also a competitive sport governed by rules and regulations, and our Powerlifting coaches advocate and coach competitors in drug-free, unequipped (raw) lifting.


We can start where you are


Weight training, can I do that?

We are making it so you can

Assess, Move, Build: our three steps to discovering your power are how we make it safe for anyone at any age to start.

The first thing we’ll do when you contact us is book you in for a health and fitness assessment. We’ll assess how you move, ask what you want, answer any questions you have, and discuss which program is best for you.

The next step is to move. Unless you’re an experienced powerlifter, you’ll need a little help to learn your way around the basic lifts. We have structured programs to progress you safely to free weights. And when you’re good to go, you’ll join powerlifting sessions with confidence.

I may have some issues

Exercise Physiology Group Sessions

Not everyone has the same start line. We know, it’s been our passion for years.

Whether it is something you were born with, aquired on the road or workplace, developed over time or caught up with you suddenly – we have a path to help you find your inner power.

Our programs have been designed by an Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) in consultation with researchers, occupational therapists, and physiotherapists. We are with you all the way creating individual programs, monitoring your progress and ensuring safety.

I am ready for weights

Powerlifting Training Sessions

You’re good to go? Check. All ages, all welcome.

We have programs tailored for those starting out, experienced powerlifters and programs for over 65’s.

For the dedicated powerlifter we have highly experienced and currently competing powerlifting coaches.

We aim to do more than build strength: our programs build confidence and community as well. We train everyone as an athlete because, well, you are!


Powerlifting - why


Are we doing enough?

The short answer is No. The most recent research shows the majority of Australians don’t do enough strength exercise to meet recommended guidelines.

We think we know why – “I can’t do that”.

Starting strength exercise can be intimidating. Machines and programs can be confusing and most of us don’t know how to do it, or what to do. Fear of injury can be a big barrier to starting. 

Folks with pre-existing conditions like arthritis or low bone density might avoid strength exercise because they worry it will make them worse.

So we focus on the basics: technique training, injury prevention, and evidence-based coaching. Your program will be planned around any pre-existing condition. You’ll have an accredited coach right by your side.

Time efficient

Powerlifting is an incredibly efficient method of training. Just three basic exercises which work the whole body – the deadlift, the squat and the bench press. Exercises that build strength useful in everyday movements like standing from sitting and carrying your shopping.

Exercises that have built the world’s strongest people.

Our Powerlifting sessions last 45 minutes, and we schedule 2 sessions per week for you. Unless you’re training for a competition, that’s all the strength exercise you need.


If you don’t measure it, you don’t know if you’ve improved it. So we measure stuff, often.

Before you start, we measure your baseline strength (and other stuff). We record your weights and reps every session. We progress you according to coach observation and a Reps In Reserve system over 6 week cycles. And then we measure again.

“The most current research shows that regular strength exercise is something everyone should do, no matter your age. In fact, strength exercise becomes even more important for health as you age”

— Miranda Foyster, Accredited Exercise Physiologist.

“Training has improved every aspect of my life.”

— You, six months in.