Why us?

We train together.

There is nothing quite like having a buddy to help you stay motivated and true to your purpose. We have a room full of them.

A room full of mutual admiration and support, to keep you improving, for yourself. For them. With them. You are not alone. This is training to lift both body and spirit.

We’re local.

Our vision is to provide a local gym, for local people. We’ve had connections with Kyneton for over 40 years, and lived here for more than a decade.

A sustainable COVIDsafe plan.

COVID-safety is integral to everything we do, from strictly limited numbers in training groups to a seamless sanitising protocol built into every session. We’ve thought through all the details: conveniently located automatic sanitiser dispensers, exquisite hand and equipment sanitiser designed to TGA standards by Fleurage, and eco-friendly disposable wipes.

We follow the Five-S protocol:


  • Detailed pre-exercise screening to identify appropriate training focus

  • Powerlifting Australia accredited coaches

  • Every lift is individually coached within the group training format


  • Just 3-4 basic exercises which work the whole body

  • We program your workout: you just need to turn up

  • No fancy gym gear, no mirrors


  • We’ve done the research, what we do is evidence-based

  • Regular strength training is recommended by health authorities for all ages

  • Exercises are based on everyday movements (standing from sitting, lifting shopping)


  • Group lifting sessions foster encouragement and support

  • We focus on what you can do, not what you can’t

  • Inclusive lifting culture: everyone can lift


  • We make sure you progress by setting achievable challenges

  • Regular progress reviews to celebrate your achievements

Head Coach - Miranda FoysterMiranda is our Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Personal Trainer. As well as being a Powerlifting Australia Level 1 Coach, Miranda is also our Feldenkrais Practitioner. Basically, she is a movement geek with more than…

Head Coach - Miranda Foyster

Miranda is our Accredited Exercise Physiologist, and a Powerlifting Australia Level 1 Coach. She is is also our Feldenkrais Practitioner. Miranda has co-authored a paper on Powerlifting for older women in the Journal of Women & Aging, and is a member of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Frailty and Sarcopenia Research. Originally an architect, Miranda sees movement difficulties as puzzles inviting playful solutions and takes this spirit of fun into all aspects of her practice.

Basically, she is a movement geek with more than two decades’ experience in the fitness and wellness industries.

Head Coach - Marco KandybkoMarco is a Powerlifting Australia Level 1 Coach, and has competed at National Master’s level since taking up Powerlifting in 2017. Starting a sport in later life has given Marco the personal experience that you can teach a…

Head Coach - Marco Kandybko

Marco is a Powerlifting Australia Level 1 Coach, and has competed at National Master’s level since taking up Powerlifting in 2017. Starting a sport in later life has given Marco the personal experience that you can teach an old dog new tricks! With a background in music/dance, Marco performed nationally and internationally before switching into building and construction. Over 10 years’ site work experience and now with a side gig in mobile timber milling means Marco knows a lot about lifting and moving heavy things.

The Studio

  • Barbells & Bumper Plates

  • Free Weights

  • Benches

  • Balance and stability equipment

  • Private consulting room for individual sessions

  • Strict infection control protocols