Our COVIDsafe protocols

Membership packMembership at Better Stronger includes a copy of the COVIDsafe training protocol, a training t-shirt, training towel, and an extendable lanyard for your disposable wipe.

Membership pack

Membership at Better Stronger includes a copy of the COVIDsafe training protocol, a training t-shirt, training towel, and an extendable lanyard for your disposable wipe.

Sanitiser stationsBlack for equipment, white for hands. No touch, automatic, and filled with Australian made sanitiser.

Sanitiser stations

Black for equipment, white for hands. No touch, automatic, and filled with Australian made sanitiser.


Why do we still follow COVIDsafe protocols?

Some of our members and coaching staff are highly immunocompromised. We want everyone at Better Stronger to train in the safest possible environment we can provide - which includes minimising infection risk.

How we manage numbers

When you join Better Stronger, you’ll be allocated into specific session days/times for training. Sessions are currently limited to 1 coach and 5 people training, and entry to the gym is restricted to your allocated session time only, or by appointment - which means there is always a coach present to ensure protocols are kept.

How we manage physical distancing

Limiting the number of people inside the gym is the first step for physical distancing. Our floor stickers are placed to ensure you can keep a minimum 1.5 meters distance during sessions, with easy access to sanitiser dispensers. Unless you are lifting or spotting, stand on a sticker for safety!

How we manage hand sanitising

We have automatic, no-touch hand sanitiser dispensers located close to lifting racks and plate storage. Sanitise your hands at the start of the session, and before handling weights, spotting, or lifting the bar.

Towels and wipes

The training towel in your membership pack is perfectly sized for bench press. Please bring your towel to all training sessions. Place your towel on the bench before pressing. The towel is also a great size for wrapping around the bar for those warm up squats in Winter!

We thought long and hard about the waste generated by paper towels for equipment sanitising, and found an alternative. We supply disposable wipes by Easydry. These are biodegradable, but robust enough to last through one training session.

How we manage equipment sanitising

This is why you get an extendable lanyard in your membership pack! At the start of your session, clip the lanyard to your training top and attach a disposable wipe. Use the no-touch equipment sanitiser dispenser to get a good spray on the wipe, and then:

Sanitise equipment after use.

Sanitise the bar after lifting.

Sanitise weight plates after returning them to the weight rack.  

At the end of the session, please dispose of your wipe in the bin.


Health advice currently recommends against wearing masks during high intensity exercise, so wearing a mask while lifting is optional.