Movement –
Feldenkrais Method®
If you’re not ready for lifting, but want to start moving better, the Feldenkrais Method is a great way to start. The acturelab at Better Stronger offers group classes and individual sessions: ask us which form of Feldenkrais is best for you.
Group classes
Group classes are popular with:
Performers (dance, music, sports) to reduce risk of injury from repetitive strain
People seeking stress management and stress reduction
People with persistent pain/fatigue or hyper mobility to regain joy and confidence in movement
Older adults wanting to regain confidence and ease of movement
Individual sessions
Individual sessions are appropriate for:
Children and adults with developmental/movement disorders to improve function
People with movement difficulties (post-stroke, ABI) to re-learn everyday movement
People with recurrent injuries or chronic joint pain to find new patterns of action
Group movement classes in the Feldenkrais Method are great for developing new, more efficient ways to move, to reduce habitual muscle tension, and practice mindful movement for relaxation.
One-on-one, private hands-on sessions in the Feldenkrais Method are based on the same movement development principles as group classes. Sessions are personalised, unique to individual needs.