Frequently asked questions

Isn’t Powerlifting all about getting big and muscular? I don’t want that.

We get this question a lot. No. Most folk confuse powerlifting with bodybuilding, and immediately think Arnie. But the truth is, they’re very different activities with very different outcomes. Powerlifters get strong, bodybuilders get muscular. You could think of it like this: powerlifters care about performance, bodybuilders care about appearance. We’re not dissing our bodybuilding cousins here - nobody gets that muscular by accident. Bodybuilders have to work really, really hard at it and we respect that work. It’s just not our cuppa.

Isn’t Powerlifting just a young men’s thing? I’m not young/male.

We know this is a common experience: you’ve seen the free weights area in gyms and didn’t feel welcome. Loud music, crashing weights, guys standing around just watching. But we’re not like that. Our mission is to make strength exercise accessible to everyone, and we do this by fostering authentic Powerlifting culture in our studio: inclusion, support and respect.

Why do I get allocated to specific session days/times? I prefer the idea of being able to train whenever I want.

We recognise that train-when-you-want, 24 hour access gyms are popular, and for good reason: the idea is attractive. It’s perfect for folk who don’t need coaching or supervision, and who have fantastic self discipline. But for us, training group allocation is essential to keep to our group number limits, and to help keep you accountable. Sure, life happens and we have some flexibility to try and fit you into a make-up session if you miss one. 

Can I sign up for a membership package, and if I have to take a few weeks off in the middle can my membership be suspended while I’m away?

Nope. Here’s the deal: you sign up for a number of weeks with a specific start date and end date. If you know you’ve got commitments that will prevent you training during that time, we recommend you delay your start date. Or choose a different package - we have 6, 12, 26, and 52 week packages - that could work around your commitments. Here’s why: when you sign up, your spots on the timetable are reserved exclusively for you for the duration of your package. If you can’t attend a session, we don’t give your spot to someone else for that session. Instead, we have a number of dedicated ‘make-up’ group sessions each week where members can make up missed sessions for that week (because: life). Obviously if something unexpected and beyond your control comes up that will prevent you training for a while we will work out a mutually agreed solution.

Is Powerlifting COVID-safe? I’m worried about infection.

Yup, we know it’s not over. We do everything we can to manage infection risk. Our COVIDsafe plan includes touch-free hand sanitising spray, equipment sanitising between every lifter, towels, daily disinfectant gym cleaning, appropriately-spaced equipment, group size limits, and a no-show if ill/symptomatic policy.


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2A Yaldwyn Street East
Kyneton Victoria Australia


8am – 7.30pm (not every weekday, check timetable)
9am – Noon Saturdays